Is Laser Vision Correction permanent?
Yes. LASIK and PRK result in a permanent change to the shape of the cornea. LASIK or PRK will not, however, prevent age-related conditions such as presbyopia (the need for reading glasses) or cataracts. These conditions would still be treated in their normal manner.
What are the risks?
No surgical procedure is without risk. Vision threatening complications from LASIK and PRK are very uncommon. Our surgery center is approved by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare (AAAHC) which assures the safest surgical procedure possible. Understanding the potential risks allows you to make an informed decision before undergoing laser vision correction. The doctors will discuss potential risks in great detail and answer any questions you may have at your free screening.
Is LASIK painful?
There is little discomfort during the procedure. Eye drops are used to numb the eyes. No needles or injections are required. After LASIK, post-operative discomfort is minimal. It is common, however, to have some eye irritation for the first few hours.
How long does the procedure take?
Only 15-30 minutes! The actual treatment times with the lasers are performed in seconds. You'll be in our office about 1-2 hours the day of the procedure for pre-operative instruction and preparation, and post-operative monitoring.
When can I return back to work?
Most patients notice dramatic improvement within the first few days following the procedure and are able to drive a car and return to work within 1-3 days. Most LASIK patients see quite well the next day. Speed of visual recovery, however, ultimately depends on personal healing patterns. After LASIK, restriction on activities is minimal. These will be covered in detail prior to the procedure.
Will I need reading glasses after I have LASIK?
Possibly. The need for reading glasses usually begins at age 40-45. It is caused by a loss of elasticity of the natural lens inside the eye resulting in an inability to focus on small print or near objects. This process is called presbyopia.
LASIK cannot restore the elasticity of the natural lens inside the eye. There is a technique, however, commonly used with contact lenses called monovision, in which one eye is fit with a contact lens to see at distance and the other eye is fit with a contact lens to see near. This technique can be used with LASIK as well.
At your free screening, tell us about your vision needs. Our doctors will discuss different options and talk to you about the potential need for reading glasses based on your age and glasses prescription.